timo: mom,why does erin's name is erin?
mom: because dats her nick name.
timo: but her full name is dania sharmaine.wats the connection?
mom: i duno..
timo: these phillipinos aaa..
thad: kakak miriam,how did u get so fat?
miriam: because i dun hav to walk to school.the van pick us up.
thad: why don u run behind it?
theo:my mum is phillipino and my dad is chinese.dats why im english.right lola? (asking fer confirmation)
tiffany: mom,is she ur mom? (pointing at lola)
mom: yes she is.
tiff: why?
mom:..... cuz she gave birth to me.
adam: wuiiihhhh! 56 suda berat ku joooo!
timo: whos jo?
April 29, 2010
tampi-tampi and its the 90 post! hoorah!
so aunty bibi is goin back tomoro.and this is our last gathering.
venue: tampi2,semporna.
time: around 12.
this is tiffany.and she nags all the time.poor little baby.
it supposed to be called face of excitement.
the best that they can do.
semua mandi except for me and kak elai.
can u spot the not?
thank god fer the save journey.alhamdulilah.
April 26, 2010
April 25, 2010
badiangos gathering
unc franco has came back from england and it has been 20 yrs.so we decided to make a gathering for all the badiangos and i found it very nice and warm reunion since everybody looks extremely happy.lola and danny were celebrating their bdays as well.so ...
from left- maria luz badiango , noel badiango , joseph ernesto badiango , franco badiango, janet teresita badiango.
the big badiango family.
lola with her children
lola with her grandchildren
lola with danny.
sharing the same cake and same bornday.
he's dead.
fukuchan's dead.i can face the fact dat hes gone.he was like the cutest cat ever.he had a high fever and dorg dak sempat bwk dia gi vet..d kk hujan terus and myb he was playing in the rain all the time and he got sicked.he cudnt see clear enough and he cant walk.the last time i met him was the time i got back home and he looked terribly sick.
and the next day when i reached twu korie told me about him.im gonna miss u dear cat.i believe GOD will give u a pair of new legs and a clear vision.ur now fully protected.=) rest in peace.
love,kak erin.
and the next day when i reached twu korie told me about him.im gonna miss u dear cat.i believe GOD will give u a pair of new legs and a clear vision.ur now fully protected.=) rest in peace.
love,kak erin.
April 23, 2010
my peperiksaan pengajian diploma yg terakhir (insyallah)
2 papers done.
3 more to go.
akmal's work is undone.
he's gona be here 3 weeks to go.
(yeah.simon cowell must hav curse me fer this)
so first paper was okay fer me.i answered all question.and i wasnt so sure of the precision.
todays paper was 2nd okay i guess.since i had the whole night to cover all the topix.well not really.
after muet on saturdae.,ill be doin my 6 days holidae in twu.and i gota meet mr.exam again on the 3rd.
mr akmal was quite busy wif his final projects.his robot.pannels.models.
(those were the ony terms that i can brag on industrial designing) XD
owh lupa!
my 1 year anniversary went smoothly.thank god.since i believe dat i was cursed for not having reship more than a year.but erin and kema pass the test!
will upload more of the stats and pics soon.
3 more to go.
akmal's work is undone.
he's gona be here 3 weeks to go.
(yeah.simon cowell must hav curse me fer this)
so first paper was okay fer me.i answered all question.and i wasnt so sure of the precision.
todays paper was 2nd okay i guess.since i had the whole night to cover all the topix.well not really.
after muet on saturdae.,ill be doin my 6 days holidae in twu.and i gota meet mr.exam again on the 3rd.
mr akmal was quite busy wif his final projects.his robot.pannels.models.
(those were the ony terms that i can brag on industrial designing) XD
owh lupa!
my 1 year anniversary went smoothly.thank god.since i believe dat i was cursed for not having reship more than a year.but erin and kema pass the test!
will upload more of the stats and pics soon.
April 22, 2010
April 17, 2010
the great adventure of fukuchan
so this is a story of a cat which is very unordinary. we called him fukuchan but he prefers to be called"pindik" which came from the word " pendek". which meant SHORT. so basicly, we knew dat cats have 4 legs to walk.
but fukuchan, he does have that four legs, but unfortunately only TWO functioning well.as u can see on diagram 1.,this is how he sits,and the front legs consist no bones,that is why he coudnt walk normally.
so when he was a little,we tot dat this special cat cant do wat the others do.like running,catching rats.but as he grows bigger,we noticed dat he is trying as hard as he can to walk like normal cats do.he jumps.like a kangaroo.i saw him once,dragging himself for food.but now,he jumps very fast and i was totally amazed
.(and y am i narating like geographichannels?)

but fukuchan, he does have that four legs, but unfortunately only TWO functioning well.as u can see on diagram 1.,this is how he sits,and the front legs consist no bones,that is why he coudnt walk normally.
so when he was a little,we tot dat this special cat cant do wat the others do.like running,catching rats.but as he grows bigger,we noticed dat he is trying as hard as he can to walk like normal cats do.he jumps.like a kangaroo.i saw him once,dragging himself for food.but now,he jumps very fast and i was totally amazed
i told ya he jumps.and he can stand like this fer minutes.=)
well he is very hyperactive.i mean very.and he sleeps inside the house.where else the others? outside.
but this is the very sad part,despite of the legs,his eyes have problems as well.
he cant see during daytime.but dat doesnt make him blind,
i dint notice that initially,but my unc told me.
so i did try him out.i show him somthing in front of his eyes and move it to left and right.
and yes.he cudnt see it.he only listens to the moves.
but during night time,his sight will be back to normal and sgt2 jelas.
interesting huh?
he watches tv.

and plays with remote all the time.
our tea break.hehe.
im sure he got annoyed since we torture him all the time.lol.
love u pukucan.
April 13, 2010
end of diploma part 2-classmates.
ada lgi gitar.kekekke.
wat we had.ayam x masak,"jgn dityk"
resipi si emilia.pisang bakar.
1st jumping attemption
spot the hidden me. =.='
u can see me now.=)
aku kurus.i know.
the boys.
pas bbQ tgk wyg.u can tell how bauk we were.
well i honestly tot that this was the best moment wif bmd61 since we ever been called classmates.
and now i started to feel sad about leaving diploma.
it was rily fun spending a day with yall.
we shud do more of these befor graduating.=)
April 6, 2010
sentence of the day.
"college life is sure like hell and i dont think i can take this anymore.T.T"
April 4, 2010
hari ini aku sgt penat.penat dan lelah.aku sedang menyiapkan kerja sekolah yg diberikan oleh pensyarah kami.kerja itu berkaitan dgn membeli brg secara online.aku tidak tahu sebenarnya apa yg ingin ku smpi kan.
tetapi aku ingin memberitahu yang aku sgt penat.
sgt penat.
sgt nepat.
sgt tepan.
belakang ku sakit.sakit.sakit.
how i wish akmal ada sini.urut aku.
April 3, 2010
April 2, 2010
ur so gay.
akmie: syg.tadi kan i naik monorail..ade mat saleh ni..die tak tinggi sgt.tapi die hensem la.
erin: jadi?
akmie: trus kan..die tgk i..die tgk je i dr i masuk..
akmie: tapi kan lelaki tu asyek tgk i je yg..tapi hensem la lelaki tu..
erin: u sound like gay.
akmie: gay ke tu? jadi kalau ppuan ckp ppuan lain cantik lesbo la?
erin: nda la ba....
akmie: tapi hensem la lelaki tu..
(masih lagi)
erin: nahhh tuu...u sounded gay la ba kalau u ckp lelaki lain hensem.
erin: jadi?
akmie: trus kan..die tgk i..die tgk je i dr i masuk..
akmie: tapi kan lelaki tu asyek tgk i je yg..tapi hensem la lelaki tu..
erin: u sound like gay.
akmie: gay ke tu? jadi kalau ppuan ckp ppuan lain cantik lesbo la?
erin: nda la ba....
akmie: tapi hensem la lelaki tu..
(masih lagi)
erin: nahhh tuu...u sounded gay la ba kalau u ckp lelaki lain hensem.
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