okay..ges wat..im applyin for 3R's tv host..was actually looking fer a blog about frou's thingy cuz i saw it lastnite on 3r..it was sumtin about own designed stuff n selling it on the internet..so..i decided to look fer it since im planning on doin my own blogs for the stuff dat iv made..i nid sum references from the experts~
but the last nite episode hasnt been published,.so tgk2 sikit jak la..then i saw this thing..dia ckp..DO U HAVE WAT IT TAKES? nah jadi..penasaran la jugak kan..trus..balik2 pikir..y dun i giv a chance .. its not like im losing anyting kan..jadi..i got on to steps where they provide forms..pictures..n few questies..jadi.i send the pic (ABOVE) ..i duno how does it look.but hopefully its okay la.then after i submitted my form,i saw 1 tab wic says.."your competition"..gheeessseeee...i wonder how my competitors look like.so then i found out they were sooooo many of em..kira ok la kan..tpi ni just for fun jugak la..dpt dak dpt tu blkg crita..tpi klu dpt tu ada crita la..hahaha.
wow....thumbs up. best of luck.
tanx babe~~ =)
haha! muga2 la dapat kan rin?
ada kawan ku jadi host
boleh dia bawa aku dkt 3r tu :P
iya jadi spokeperson for dota hahahhahaha...tanx nyoiiii
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