he was a friend of mine.i never knew him very well.but i rmbr he was studying in SMK holy trinity..next to my school.the first time i met him when i was on my way jalan kaki from convent to dinamic club.cuz my mum was working ther dat time.he was a waiter.
i knew he dint know who i am.he dint know im mia's daughter.he was so serious serving me food dat time.n i was with my kurung skolah and tudung skolah yg pendek.when my mum came to my table..she told andy im her daughter and he eventually smile.dat was the first time i talked to him.i was not rily close to him,n at the same time,his cousin clauvilyn happened to be my senior in convent.n she works in dinamic too.so clauvilyn and my mum are close frens.but after few months working in dinamic.,andy went to kl..i duno on wat purpose,but i knew he went to kl..he was also close to eko's brother,abg denddy,the one whos gettin married soon.n he promised to bg denddy that he will surely some for his wedding.i rmbr he came to me and asked for songs,n he took justin's "my love".that was the last time i met him.
but luck hasnt alwes be with him.he faced alot of car accidents actually.n his death happened to be his third accident.i guess god loves him n dats y he was taken.the third accident took place in kl.he was on his way to work n he was hit by a car.according to infos,he dint fasten his seat belt n he was known as a fast driver.
he was then told to be in coma.n there was sumtin in his head was taken off.so he only has to depend on the machine to live.but last nite,my mum told me the doctor has asked the permission to switch off the machine as he cudnt be saved anymore.today.he was safely gone.and he will be sent home tonite.i will be goin to his funeral soon.may god's love be with you always ADRIAN SERINO.
i cant believe hes gone...
so sad n shocked...
his brain stop functiong nymo..dats y d doc need 2 pull off e plug..
u know him?
yes dear...we used 2 hang out 2gether
i've seen him b4.....OMG....life is short rite
yea..he will buried today.
Hola... This apple adrian gf.. Thanks for the blog ya.. Hope adrian rest in peace
sure no prob..
Jadikan pemergiannya sbgai ikhtibar kpda kita yg masih hidup ni...ini adalah ujian kpda kita untuk mengingatkan yg ajal kita bila2 masa jak akan sampai...semoga pemergiannya memberikan sesuatu yg dpt mengubah diri kita dan memperbetulkan apa yg silap slama ni yg penah kita bt...^_^
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