haa at last...im back with new fresh jots..well apparently its been a rily fine month fer me.my LOVE story will now reveal.okay,so..i had a myspace account when i was 18 sumthing..when facebook and friendster came thru..myspace happened to be my least choice..so i ignore it fer couple of years..so i came back withhttp://www.myspace.com/hanikoma when i was 20...since i was very single dat time.
*very single - out of scandals as well.
so iv been approving..and approving..and approving..so this account http://www.myspace.com/callmekema added me. *wink2.
haha.yes dats him.XD
i approved and dats when i started my itchy2.hahahah start la aku mengurat2.
comment2.last2 aku mntak ym nya. =)))
(how flirty i am)
so we chat and chat.till i got his fon number!
and bla bla bla..we tied our knot on 19th of April 2009.
I KNOW..we had our rship before we met.so...all we do for dated was vdeo calling..voice calls..
but we do love each other so much.i never been in this kind of rship .
sum of my frens laughed at me tho,i know.but i trusted him and i just did.
so he said he wud come to see me.and we booked the tkets and after 6 months of phone loving.,
akmal mustafa finally came all the way from kl for me..but things dint turned out like we planned.
i planned to meet him on 14th of november.but my last exam was on 15th.so i have to put him somewhere.
my mum fetch him on 14th.and happened to be the first girl he met before me.hahahhaha
nah tjumpa la kau mertua mu akmal.
and i asked eko to look after him when i was away.
and 15th came.he and my other cousies fetch me at the airport.and dat was our very first meeting.
he was cuter than i expected. *wink2.
he ws very quiet.and i can see dat he smiled alot.
then.it was awkward initially.hehehhehe.mmg la ba malu2.
trus mlm nya we went for movie with eko.since c eko pya bday kan.
jadi we watched 2012..my first date on 2009.hahaha
to be continued.

finally! i donno y am i so EKSAITED reading this entry. i guess im happy for u! seriously!
wish i cud meet u both bt im in KK now..(i din sound like a penyibuk, din i?) hehe
do send my regards to him ok.
n eko, hepi bedei! =D
aw so sweet :)
uish.ini baru namanya love story.sematt story line nyaa.hehe
adui dania
kiut jak kamu dua punya cerita nie hehehe
ngeee. suweet!
psst. i met dean on the net too @ mirc lols ;P
neway i hope u & him will be for always. =D
tanxxx val,ziqa and dian..
fitto-ur not penyibuk ba..this post is for reading kan..heheh..eko says tnxx hee.so when r u cumin home?
madu-rily? nah sama la kita ni esehhhh..krmslm dgn dean k..
u guys just wait for another thread.k? xoxoxoxo
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